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Level 3-  Project One

Gingerbread House Competition


      The first project for third level students will be designing and creating a gingerbread house display that will be entered into the Peddler's Village Competition.  Details for the competition including dates and requirements can be found here Peddler's Village Gingerbread Competition

Pay attention to the time requirements including registration and drop off.  You can pick which category you would like to enter, but you need to be under 18 for the student competition.  Everything in your display must be edible except for the display board.  Even though the guidelines tells you that structural pieces can be inedible, students from our program have been disqualified for having these pieces in sight.  There are cash prizes available.  

      This project will help you begin to design bigger pieces (show pieces) of bakery work.  Some of the things to include before you start making your display are:

      1.  Draw plans, both an overall sketch and template pieces to scale.

      2.  Create an ingredient list for large pieces

      3.  Create an estimated ingredient list for accent or decorating pieces such as shredded wheat, wafer candy, candy canes, etc.

      4.  Write a time line for what will be done each day.  Leave the last two weeks open to account for days missed or time to catch up.


Here is the link to the Rules and Regulations

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