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Unit Name: Nutrition

Upon completition of the unit, the student should be able to identify the six classes of nutrients, examples of each and how they affect the body.  Identify the impact nutrition has on overally health including knowing your food labels.





703 - Define energy nutrients and non-energy nutrients and how they are metabolized by the human body.

704 - Calculate your individual dietary intakes by using the RDA dietary guidelines.

706 - Interpret food labels in terms of the portion size, ingredients, nutritional value, and nutritional claims.

707 - Describe the six classes of nutrients (carbohydrates, fats/lipids, protein, vitamins, minerals and water).

708 - Discuss the functions, sources, and effects of the six classes of nutrients on a healthy lifestyle.

709 - Discuss various diets and health concerns related to: alternative dieting, vegetarianism, poor nutrition and food allergies.

711 - Apply principles of nutrition and nutrient preservation while preparing bakery goods and menu items.

716 - Describe the impact of nutrition during different life stages, i.e. pregnancy, infant and early childhood, adulthood, senior citizens, etc. 


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Instructional Activities: Unit 10.1
Learning Activity One- Describe the six classes of nutrients and describe the function of each group and the impact on your overall health.

Learning Activity Two- Read the handout, Getting Started with MyPlate.  Go to the Choose MyPlate website for food groups and research the important aspects of each group, focusing on recommended servings and the daily dietary allowances.

Final Learning Activity- Create a basic daily menu that will cover the required intakes for each food group.  Use the supertracker website as a resource for calculations.

Unit 10.2

Learning Activity- Using the Topic in Nutrition Sheet, research each of the topics listed and participate in a small group discussion on each. 


Assessments: Unit 10.1
Learning Activity 1-

Learning Activity 2-

Final Learning Activty and Discussion questions-

Unit 10.2

Learning Activity1 Research

Learning Activity 2 Discussion


Learning Guide- Intro to Nutrition

Website- Getting Started with Choose my Plate

Website-ChooseMyPlate,Food groups

Website-Supertracker, daily nutrition tracker

Website- Fast Food Nutrition

Website- Fast Food Nutrition Web Hunt

Topics in Nutrition


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