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Level 2 Marking Period 4 - Bakery Development

Name ____________________________                  Date _________________


The remainder of this year will be based on small independent projects to create your own bakery. For the last unit, you already created a menu and a floorplan for your bakery. These were done first to create your ideal bakery. We will now get into the specifics of your bakery. Much of this will involve developing a concept, location and overall theme. Depending where you decide to locate, may change your original floorplan and menu.
Objective: Upon completing this project, you will create the beginning ideas for your bakery. Think of your favorite brand, whether it be clothes, food or cars. Why are we attracted to
certain things? A great initial idea, proper planning and great marketing can make you the next household name.
When developing a food service establishment, the first thing you want to decide on is the theme. For a bakery, you want to think about your entrance, the overall feel for you establish- ment such as: country style, modern upscale, or traditional.
Once you have decided on the overall feel for your bakery, where do really want to bake? Location can make or break you. Try to be a specific as possible (country, state, city, and street). Even though you are still in high school, it is still beneficial to figure out your ideal location. New York and LA are hot areas, but so is the rent. No matter if you are located in a large city, beach town or other locations, there are always bakeries that have a line just to get in. This project may be the first step of you making that next great place.
When you have picked your location, you will need to see what you need to do to open a business in that area. All food service establishments will require the Servsafe foodhandler permit, and other standard operation permits, but certain locations will require more than others. Investigate what permits will be needed to open your bakery .

•    Preliminary details are typed                                   5 points

•    Theme discussed in detail                                        10 points

•    Name of establishment                                            5 points

•    Reason for picking the establishment name        5 points

•    Location discussed in detail                                    10 points
•    Investigation of permits                                          5 points

•    Overall development of theme                               10 points


This is a two week project. You will have time to work on this project each class period and extended time on theory days. Use your time wisely, research your details and hopefully you will create the next best bakery.


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